WHY? Musing on Retirement…

I found myself diving into articles about organizational theory recently, probably because I was starting up a newly designed website. One article urged me to ask this question: WHY?

I’m turning 71 this weekend. My kids keep saying, “Can’t you just BE RETIRED?” So, I ask myself, “Why? Why am I compelled to keep doing and contributing to the world of storytelling and the arts?”

WHY #1—My whole identity and being has been immersed in this stuff…FOREVER! It courses through my veins, an integral part of my life force.

WHY #2—The immense power of our creative expression is the source of our life’s passions. What we do with deep love and conviction can carry us through the worst of times and can illuminate the best of times.

WHY #3—Storytelling is the VOICE of our HUMANITY. Our stories, both personal and ancient mythologies, are the bricks and mortar of culture and our very existence.

WHY #4—Well, this has another WHY Layer—WHY ME? After almost 50 years of a career as a storyteller, I think I still have a lot to offer to the future. I am one of the Old Sages now! That’s pretty cool, huh?

WHY #5—I don’t want to be bored, not when I can still see a path to creativity. I don’t want to put it all away yet. At my age, the best thing I can do for my own longevity is to KEEP DOING AND MOVING. (Yes, I meditate and find quiet time….for a little while.)

So, dive in with me as I keep swimming in the Sea of Story. Come along as I dabble in visual art, too. If you see me sitting down for too long, go ahead and ask me, “Are you OK?” I’ll probably say, “Yes,” because I am, and that is enough.

The final answer to the question WHY is. . . WHY NOT?


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