Online School? Life & Times of a FAVORITE Pandemic Teen

Youngest Grand Connor telling stories at the Mother Lode Storytelling Guild’s 2019 Story Slam in Murphys, CA

Youngest Grand Connor telling stories at the Mother Lode Storytelling Guild’s 2019 Story Slam in Murphys, CA

In late October we could see how he was struggling. Online high school was NOT what our Freshman grandson had expected as he launched into what he thought would be an exciting new world—This great actor, artist, writer, mathematician, musician, chef. This empathetic wise one. This punster. Instead he felt disconnected, lost, overwhelmed, uninspired, and absolutely alone! Thanks, COVID-19. A strange and tangled situation.

I love this kid, and am amazed at his depth of engagement WHEN he is inspired. Not in Fall 2020 however. So, I dove into the rushing river to keep him from drowning. Yes, I am now Home Schooling my youngest grandchild.

Is it easy, like being on a forever Field Trip of wonderful adventures? Not yet. We’re still doing this remotely and online. Thanks, COVID-19. We’re still trying to rekindle his motivation, and let him know how OK he is.

In December he embarked on a Community Service Project. He made 30 gift bags for a few of the homeless people of our community. The results were two-fold: The people who received the bags were very happy. He planned his gift quite well. And he stepped outside of his disappointments and boredom to give to others. Always a good way home. More soon….I promise.


Online School, Pandemic teen—Part 2: GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY…


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