This month I’m back in school jamming to get my homework done. No, wait! I’m writing another grant. Some folks think that receiving a grant is like receiving manna from Heaven. But ask the folks, who do that work, and ask the folks, who run the grants. It’s a science with steps that have to be followed!

It all begins with a dream? NO! It really all begins with an RFP (Grantese for “Request for Proposal”). Someone wants to give money to someone else, who promises to do good works with that money. You can hunt for RFPs, a process which can be difficult. Try a web-search (I that focuses on your interests and aspirations. Today I landed on Philanthropy Digest News. It’s worth a look!

I always look for grants in the arts, because that is my “wheelhouse.” You can start with your own dreams. Or if you keep your eyes and ears open, one might sort of land in your lap! Budget your time carefully on this step. So, go get your timer, and let’s get going!

  1. Learn about who is offering these monies. Is it a private foundation? A nonprofit? Or a government agency. Hope for one of the first two, but be willing to work with the third.

  2. Digest that RFP, reading it carefully. If possible, print out a copy. Hit it with the highlighter pen and a pencil, marking up key statements and jotting down questions in the margins. Look for places where your philosophy and theirs match up. Be ready to jot down ideas as they start to worm into your head.

  3. HERE’S A BIGGY!! Go to the funder’s website and start reading. Start by finding out if they fund projects in your area. Many foundations and grantors focus on their home communities or regions. Check for this first so you’re not wasting your research time. Next be sure to read their mission statement several times! Your project needs to mesh with their mission. Again, this will save you time. Don’t fiddle around with a foundation that focuses on health for senior citizens in the Bay Area when you want to do a literacy project for children in the Central Valley! Things have to fit in order to go forward. Here are a few foundations that are here in California…

    • The James Irvine Foundation

    • The Sierra Club Foundation

    • Sierra Health Foundation

    • Rose Foundation

      Have fun cruising through these sites. And be thinking about your visions and dreams. What can you imagine that would make your community a better place to live? How could your idea improve someone’s life? A few days ago I wanted to just throw away this current grantwriting “adventure.” It was getting too hard, and taking up every minute of my day. My grandson Sage looked at me, and said, “If you don’t apply, then your idea won’t have a chance. Later on you might really regret that you didn’t just try. Just try, Grandma!” Well, there it is. I’m trying….And I’m almost done!

      If you have questions about grantwriting, go to my Contact Page. In the meantime, watch for Grantwriting PART TWO.


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