pandemic-part 2. this is the real deal?

Pretty soon the masks started arriving in the mail.

This one startled me!

By mid-March we were on a roll: Start seedlings for the garden. Get shopping lists ready. Go to the grocery store only every ten days. Mask? Gloves? Handwipes? Be careful wherever you go! Wash all the food that comes in the house. Then strip down and get in the shower! BTW, we were all really glad when we learned that we did not have to wash everything, right?

Nobody knows how this thing is spreading. In those early days we were all terrified because of the uncertainty. I heard a lot of this, “Whatever you do, do not visit or go to anyone’s house for any reason! AND do not invite anyone over here!” Even the cleaning lady?!?!?!? Hell’s Bells!

But right at that moment I had a friend who was just getting out of the hospital. Someone had to help him get home and get settled. I knew that it should be ME! Then schools closed, and a whole slew of storytelling gigs dried up rather quickly, even in the midst of the rainy season. And then there were our own grandies. What do you mean we can’t have our youngest grandchild here anymore? This kid has practically lived with us for eight years! Now they can’t even come in the door? That sucks big time!

At least we have had Sage (another one of the grandies) and Glenn (his sweetie-pie) sheltering in with us. They keep us laughing, help around the house, and sharing lots of 3-Way hugs with me!

Grandie Sage and sweetie pie Glenn

Grandie Sage and sweetie pie Glenn

But what about our community? I wondered if COVID had just swallowed everyone up. How were folks adjusting? How were kids handling life at home 24/7?  I needed to reach out!


Pandemic-Part 3. Look for the gift


Pandemic-Part 1. pandemic? Huh? WTF? Us?